Monday 26 January 2015

Social media will put the consumer in charge of the hospitality industry

Plenty of people read user-generated reviews on websites like Yelp, The Fork and OpenTable before stepping out of the door for a night out with friends or family at a restaurant. And, not surprisingly, that little habit is changing the food industry.
Social media has had an impact on the restaurant industry for a while now, but it looks to have an even bigger impact this year, eventually becoming "truly integrated into the restaurant and hospitality decision-making process," according to a new report by The Next Idea, a hospitality and restaurant consulting firm.
"Monitoring reviews is no longer an option; it's a necessity," Robert Ancill, chairman and CEO, said in the report. "Embracing reviews allows a restaurant or hotel to react quickly, identify and solve issues and find opportunities."

Ninety-two percent of consumers read user-generated reviews while 89 percent said their purchasing decisions are influenced by those reviews, according to the firm's 2015 restaurant trend forecast.
The social media "phenomenon" puts the consumer in charge of corporate brand reputation since consumers can say whatever they want about a product or experience.
Access to information and healthy food
It's no secret that the American consumer is becoming more and more smartphone-savvy. In fact, 84 percent of respondents said mobile devices are a central part of their everyday lives, according to a study by Salesforce Marketing Cloud, an analytics software firm. Respondents also said they spend an average of 3.3 hours a day on their smartphone.
The consumer's attachment to mobile devices is giving them more access to nutritional information with a touch of a button, and it's affecting people's decision-making. And local restaurateurs understand that.
"You're giving people good, relevant local information, which enhances social media — when there's a local connection," said Dave Magrogan, the restaurateur behind Kildare's Irish Pub and Doc Magrogan's Oyster House. "We can talk about local farmers providing local food, and it impacts the neighborhood. What's helped Harvest [in Harrisburg, Pa.] is sharing information — relevant information. It's relevant to [the consumer's] lifestyle and where they're living, and they notice it."
As more research becomes available regarding healthy eating, children become more aware that "fast food equals bad food," the report said.
McDonald's has been on a decline in the past year, possibly due to the viral nature of a discovery of some allegedly expired meat in its Chinese supply plants. The brand is now cooking up a marketing campaign now to counteract the image.
"As a population, we're becoming more in tune with health consciousness and how we eat," said Rob Wasserman, owner of Rouge and 500 degrees. "Restaurants are taking more responsibility upon themselves to clean up their act and how they're feeding their customers [by providing] healthier options."
Source: Francis Hilario
Roger Blikkberget

Wednesday 20 August 2014

We present Höglund Gruppen A.B our partner in Restaurant Development & Education

Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B
Education, Development & Representation

Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B
Is a consulting firm that is based in Borås, Gothenburg and Stockholm. Sweden.
Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B
Hospitality Training & education Company
Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B
Includes wine and distillates education, consulting firms, hotel and restaurant bar, training, catering, staff recruitment as well as restaurant and catering companies.In addition to conducting our business and whiskey tastings.
Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B
Provides higher education in whiskey & wine. Our biggest catchments, is western and southern of Sweden, as well as other locations in Sweden and part of Southern Europe.
We are constantly evolving and we like to work with new challenges and also with highly educated staff who come to do their internship / master in Sweden or Swedish personnel who need their internship / master in other parts of the world.
We recommend trained staff with at least five years experience in the hotel & restaurant across Sweden, Norway, Spain, Dubai & Cruises ships
We also have talented famous Djs like touring across Europe and South America.
If you are required by professional staff in the hotel and restaurant,
Warmly welcome to contact us.
Ladies and gentlemen, dear readers and colleagues
Welcome to my life, my passion, welcome to my world!
Christian Perez. Spirits Consultant
Cheers, Good Cocktail's, Excellent Wines & Food.
Restaurant Development.
Mobile: +46(0)739816747

Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B
Utbildning, Utveckling & Representationer
Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B
Är en konsult firma som har sin verksamhet i Borås, Göteborg och Stockholm.
Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B
är Hotell & Restaurangs utbildnings företag.
Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B omfattar vin & destillat utbildningar, konsultföretag, hotell och restaurang bar, servering utbildningar, rekrytering av personal samt restaurang och cateringföretag.
Utöver det bedriver vår verksamhet whisky och vinprovningar.
Restaurant Development Sweden Höglund gruppen A.B tillhandahåller större utbildningar inom whisky & vin. Vårt största upptagningsområde är västra och södra Sverige, samt andra orter i Sverige och en del i Södra Europa.
Vi utvecklas konstant och vi jobbar gärna med nya utmaningar och också med högutbildat personal som kommer för att göra sin praktik/master i Sverige eller Svensk personal som behöver sin internationella praktik/master i andra delar av världen.
Vi förmedlar utbildat personal, med minst fem år erfarenhet inom hotell & restaurang över hela Sverige, Norge, Dubai, Spanien & kryssning fartyg.
Vi har även duktiga kända Djs som turnera över Europa och Syd Amerika.
Om du är i behöv av professionell personal inom hotell & restaurang?
Känner dig/er varmt välkomna att kontakta oss.
Mina damer och herrar, kära kunder, kollegor
Välkommen till mitt liv, min passion, välkommen till min värld!
Christian Perez.
Vin & Whisky arrangör / kursledare.
Spirits Consultant.
Cheers, Good Cocktail's, Excellent Wines & Food.
Restaurant Development.
Mobile: +46(0)739816747

Friday 15 August 2014

Scandinavian Chefs by VHC

Vi inviterer alle Skandinaviske kokker til å bli med i vår nye LinkedIn gruppe! 

I gruppen vil du finne kollegaer fra hele skandinavia, kjente og mindre kjente!

Vi håper at vi sammen kan løfte kokke yrket enda et hakk opp og hjelpe til med å øke interessen for kokke yrket og med rekrutteringen og utvikling av nye talenter.

I vår gruppe vil du også bli informert om hva som skjer rundt i gourmet verden samt nye produkter og trender!

I vår gruppe kan du komme med innspill og tips, finne ledige stillinger, utlyse stillinger........

Ha en fortsatt fin dag!

Roger Blikkberget
VHC Viladomat Hospitality Group

Sunday 27 July 2014

SocialwiBox, o wifi gratis a cambio de un “me gusta” en el bar/restaurante

El 80% de los usuarios que requieren wifi en un local hostelero acceden directamente a través de su cuenta de Facebook, dejando un “me gusta” en la página del establecimiento, convirtiéndose en seguidor y propagándolo entre sus seguidores. Por eso cada vez más los hostales, albergues, hoteles, restaurantes optan por el wifi social, una solución en la que está especializado SocialwiBox.

SocialwiBox se define como una manera inteligente de compartir el wifi en un establecimiento hostelero

Con esta solución de “social wifi” el establecimiento hostelero consigue más presencia en redes sociales, un mayor conocimiento de sus clientes, más difusión, y más seguridad en su red.
SocialwiBox se define como “una manera inteligente de compartir el wifi“. Se instala muy fácilmente: se conecta al ADSL del local y se asocia a la página de Facebook del mismo.
El cliente se conecta desde su dispositivo móvil, sin necesidad de contraseña, a la nueva red wifi gratuita personalizada con el nombre del establecimiento. Al navegar aparece la pantalla de conexión con las mismas imágenes que la portada de Facebook del local. Simplemente pulsando “me gusta”, el cliente obtiene acceso gratuito a Internet. Sencillo y fácil.

Las ventajas de este sistema, por el que el local desembolsa entre 29 y 36,50 euros al mes, según el paquete contratado, son muchas:
- No se requiere asistencia del personal
- No hay que generar tickets con claves de acceso
- Se accede al wifi sin molestas ni complicadas contraseñas.
La red de SocialwiBox, además, es segura y controlada:
- Se registran todas las conexiones, y se evitan las de uso fraudulento o ilegal. Se aceptan las condiciones de uso del wifi del local.
- Se delimitan tiempos de acceso y ancho de banda por usuario
- Se garantiza la no intrusión de usuarios ajenos a la red privada
Por su parte la empresa, además de ofrecer un servicio con valor añadido en su local, consigue nuevos accesos a su cuenta de Facebook y tiene la posibilidad de hacer nuevas campañas de marketing, pudiendo llegar de forma directa a su público objetivo con promociones, cupones descuento, encuestas…
Todo ello por una pequeña cuota que incluye el router personalizado que se conecta al ADSL del local y apunta a su Facebook. El acceso al panel de control permite al hostelero obtener información en tiempo real de las estadísticas de conexiones, impactos y crecimiento de seguidores.
Si el cliente no dispone de red social, o quiere conectarse al wifi sin ella, no hay problema: se le pedirá que ingrese su correo electrónico y una clave que le dará el personal del local.
¿Interesados en instalar el social wifi de SocialwiBox en su bar, restaurante, hostal u hotel? Contacte en el tel. 634 996 396 o en

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Viladomat Hospitality News: Nå kan man få spansk øl på tank i Norge

Viladomat Hospitality News: Nå kan man få spansk øl på tank i Norge: Brewery International AS informerer at de etter flere forsinkelser, endelig har fått levert sin nye tankøl bil, samt kjølte tan...

Nå kan man få spansk øl på tank i Norge

Brewery International AS informerer at de etter flere forsinkelser, endelig har fått levert sin nye tankøl bil, samt kjølte tankøl containere fra San Miguel.
Ølet blir tappet ferskt på tank ved San Miguels bryggeri i Lerida, for deretter å bli shippet ut fra havnebyen Bilbao. Ti dager senere er ølet i Norge og vi er klare til å kjøre det ut til våre tankøl kunder. Ferskere øl er det vanskelig å få tak i. Vi har testet igjennom alt med teknikere og bryggerimesteren fra San Miguel, som har godkjent at det ikke er noe kvalitets-forringelse ved denne form for håndtering.  Ølet står uavbrutt på kjøl ned på 2 grader celsius.

Brewery International takker samtidig alle sine tankøl kunder som har gjort det mulig for dem å starte opp med dette prosjektet, og vi håper det kommer flere til når man ser hvor bra kvalitet San Miguel inneholder og hva det gjør med salget til deres gjester.

Vi hos Viladomat Hospitality Consultants synes dette er spennende nyheter og venter spent på kundenes reaksjon.

Roger Blikkberget